Fireside Chat with Bob Jones

In late May Wanda and I were speakers in a conference with Bob Jones in Birmingham AL. In the ten years that we have been conducting meetings with Bob, I would say this one went to the highest level as it relates to cooperating with the Holy Spirit and releasing spiritual impartations.

The pinnacle of the meetings transpired on Saturday evening when the Holy Spirit graciously came into the building in a powerful way to touch, on some level, most every person in the sanctuary. Many reported an awakening to their personal spiritual destiny while others visibly saw angelic beings and spiritual lights throughout the building. Numerous others received freedom from hopelessness and despair with an awakening to the spiritual realm and the hope of their high calling.

That evening, however, could not be fully appreciated without first understanding the preparatory work that transpired in the preceding sessions. Each began to address specific issues necessary for us to encounter heaven in a tangible way. This was especially true on Saturday morning when Bob received a descriptive revelation from the Holy Spirit to address a very specific diabolical plot of the adversary. It was the tyranny of self-pity.

Closing Unholy Gateways

In his vision Bob saw a spiritual gateway or access that was leading to a road of destruction. It was the broad way that many in this generation will approach. Unfortunately, something very grievous to the Father was also transpiring. Misguided sheep were unknowingly wandering through this gate into the unholy highway to their untimely demise.

It is the present desire of the Holy Spirit to apprehend leaders who will close this gateway that provides access to the plans of the adversary so that God’s people would no longer fall prey to its devastation. The vision further illustrated the symbolic number 12—12. This was to prophetically indicate an “alpha” governmental order and an “omega” governmental order related to the early apostolic church and the last day apostolic church.

The impartation of God Himself that transpired on the Day of Pentecost can justifiably be experienced by apostolic leaders in this day with genuine spiritual authority like unto that demonstrated in the early church. That authority will begin to identify and eliminate for the Church access to unholy gateways.

There are many unholy gateways that are being addressed in this hour. Some are flagrant and obvious while others are hidden and less conspicuous. The sin of self-pity is one of the most devastating enemies of our soul although not as seemingly apparent as lust, greed, or addictions. It will lead to many issues of the soul that will steal our destiny and keep us from the high calling of God.

Self-Pity Promotes Blame-Shifting

The spirit of self-pity causes us not to take responsibility for issues for which we are guilty. In all truthfulness, many who embellish self-pity do not actually want to be healed but receive sympathy for their condition and the circumstances of their life. In reality, most everyone has experienced on some level betrayal, abuse, condemnation and many other unfortunate incidents in life. However, God’s sacrificial offering on the cross is the absolute remedy for each of these dilemmas. The redemptive process opens the door to the justice of God to allow a restoration and even a restitution of things lost.

Self-pity is a self-centered mind-set that takes a focus off of the Lord Jesus and His redemption. It can also facilitate the exercise of various excuses for underachievement in the spiritual arena. Instead, the Lord desires for us to be Heavenly minded and healed of these dilemmas so that our wounds become scars of authority.

According to the promise of Scripture, old things have passed away and all things become new. To unduly focus on the issues of the past frustrates the spiritual principle of death to the old man and new life in Christ that brings every thought into captivity to His obedience. We cannot receive the full impartation from Heaven available to us while continuing in the malady of self-pity.

Freedom from self-pity begins with a conscious decision to close the access to this spiritual poison and receive the revelation of truth pointing to the restoration of our soul. The Bible highlights that nothing can separate us from the love of God. That reality unlocks the resources of Heaven to cleanse our soul from these strongholds.

If someone is interested in obtaining the messages conducted Saturday morning and evening, you may do so by following this link
Birmingham Meetings 2-CD Series

Overcoming Self-Pity

by Paul Keith Davis

Part of our calling for this day is to discover the realms of heavenly justice and release those principles to plunder the camp of the enemy to restore the inheritance of the saints. The economy of heaven will mandate the apprehension of our heritage in Christ that has been stolen by the adversary. When we come before the Lord’s court to petition for justice, Jesus will readily hear and respond. The day has arrived for the revelation of His throne and its qualities of righteousness and justice.

Satan knows this reality and has set plots in motions to nullify the grace of God in his attempt to preempt the administration of justice. One of his primary ploys to frustrate or prohibit our promised recovery is by sowing seeds of self-pity within the soul of men and women when allowed.

Many Christians develop an unhealthy retrospective disposition concerning the difficulties and afflictions imposed upon them throughout life. Through this posture, self-pity can emerge if not properly dealt with at the cross. Self-pity is one of the most blatant weapons in the arsenal employed against Christians. This snare paves the way for grief, shame and unbelief. It is a stronghold administered by the adversary to prohibit the full implementation of God’s provision and destiny for us. Self-pity is a demonic power of darkness that can encompass and clothe individuals in a stifling dungeon of darkness. The Lord Jesus said,

Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light. Luke 11:35-36

In the realm of the spirit, characteristics and emotions of the fallen nature have a vibrant life and nature of their own. When confronted with difficulty and hardships from our past, we can emerge from it either healthy or handicapped. If overcome by self-pity we never set in motion the spiritual principles of restoration and recompense inherent through the nature of the Lord in His justice. With a fully submitted self-will, spiritual dynamics are activated in our behalf that open the door for spiritual fruitfulness. The choice is ours.

Focusing on Heaven

The heart of the issue is determined by the place of our intense focus. To break the tyranny of self-pity and self-centeredness means to shift our focus from “self” to a more God-centered perspective. This can be accomplished by yielding our will to the Holy Spirit. These principles are more fully understood in the writings of the apostle Paul when he stated,

But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God). For the desires of the flesh are opposed to the [Holy] Spirit, and the [desires of the] Spirit are opposed to the flesh (godless human nature); for these are antagonistic to each other [continually withstanding and in conflict with each other], so that you are not free but are prevented from doing what you desire to do. Galatians 5:16-17 (Amplified)

With the proper decisions, the Lord will appoint for us beauty in lieu of ashes and the oil of joy to replace mourning. He will give the garment of praise in exchange for the spirit of heaviness. This apparel is defined as spiritual raiment that envelops us in the attire of “light.” The provision of light will galvanize us with the incorruptible nature providing freedom from the dominion of darkness and the attributes of the fallen nature.

We are called to be fully engaged, encompassed and enveloped in this heavenly provision. Our highest choice is to tangibly embrace this realm of the Spirit and clothe ourselves with heavenly garments. Otherwise we allow ourselves to be overcome by darkness, discouragement and depression that will nullify or limit the complete grace package furnished through the blood of Christ. We are presently being called to embody fierce warlike qualities inherent in the attributes of those who overcome. When so endowed, the Lord will release us to plunder the enemy camp and recover His rich heritage.