Fireside Chat with Bob Jones

This portion of our newsletter is intended more as a prophetic word than as a teaching article. It is taken from an experience Bob had a few years ago pointing to this specific moment in our prophetic destiny. It highlights the past decade and the difficulties we have experienced but also reiterates God’s purpose for allowing them. Having the understanding that the Lord is grooming us for something significant transforms our mind-set and generates hope to displace hopelessness. Without this understanding we would indeed experience profound hopelessness and despair. A double portion restoration and return is our legacy.

The Seed of God — Part I

God’s people are the remnant seed. The Lord is getting ready to sow again the remnant of His people. Many Christians are literally in a time of death to self; the seed of God is sown with travail and weeping. One of the main delays has simply been waiting on the Lord’s timing. God has synchronization for His plans.

For years, the Lord has been working on and empowering many people in preparation for this hour. We are now at a crossroad in His blueprint and great change is on the horizon.

The process has been long and difficult but God has given us new life at different times to encourage us to continue to press in to Him. He gave us Toronto to bring joy into His people. He gave us Brownsville with an emphasis on repentance. The Lord has allowed the Church other expressions of His grace to deliver us to this point.

Now the Lord of the Harvest has arisen. Everyone is called to have a role in the harvest; the harvest of souls and the harvest of promises begins with prayer. According to Job 22:30, the Lord will even deliver the one for whom you intercede who is not innocent. He will be delivered through intercession and the cleanness of our hands.

When we pray, begin first in our own families. We are being granted a door of opportunity for reconciliation in families; both personal and church families. A grace to extract division and dis-harmony is being allowed. The fruit of this is already being made evident throughout the Church.

Pray for those who are not innocent and who do not have clean hands and have not yet embraced the Lord’s salvation and perhaps given you the worst counsel. That is what Job did.

It came about after the LORD had spoken these words to Job, that the LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, “My wrath is kindled against you and against your two friends, because you have not spoken of Me what is right as My servant Job has. Now therefore, take for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams, and go to My servant Job, and offer up a burnt offering for yourselves, and My servant Job will pray for you. For I will accept him so that I may not do with you according to your folly, because you have not spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job has…The LORD restored the fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends, and the LORD increased all that Job had twofold — Job 42:7-8 & 10

The righteous prayer of Job intervened for those around him despite their folly. It is time the fortune of God’s people be restored as well. The Lord turned the captivity of Job and restored double his fortune when he prayed for his friends. We are entering the season of the double-portion.

The eyes of the Lord are roving to and fro looking for a righteous agency on the earth to stand in the gap. The Lord is asking, “is there no man when I call? Is there anyone to answer? I am speaking is there anyone listening? Is my hand shortened at all that it cannot redeem? Or have I no power to deliver? Don’t you know who I am?”

There will be a remnant of people on the earth who hear and respond to this call. According to Isaiah 50:2 the Lord asked,

Why was there no man when I came? When I called, why was there none to answer? Is My hand so short that it cannot ransom? Or have I no power to deliver? Behold, I dry up the sea with My rebuke, I make the rivers a wilderness; their fish stink for lack of water and die of thirst.

The Lord can change things quickly. He is giving His people an instructed tongue that we may sustain the weary with a word from Him. He is presently awakening many saints morning by morning that He may give to them eyes to see and ears to hear instruction like His disciples. (Isaiah 50:2)

Many in the Church are coming to the end of a season of pruning and judgment as it is beginning in the world. His desire if for our light to shine brightly for many people will be heading our way in the great night. It is time for those who overcome to arise with a measure of His glory resting on them.

This will literally be the season for the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy when he wrote,

Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever — Daniel 12:3

This is the time for the accomplishment of divine purposes and a wave of harvest. The Lord is laying claim to this generation of young people as well as the seasoned and mature. It will be both the Joshua’s and the Caleb’s. The Lord is healing the fracture He has created in a third day harvest of the wounded and persecuted. His will is being accomplished in a mighty way so that a harvest can be achieved.

The trials in the earth will increase in an awesome way while at the same time the end-time truths from the book of Revelations shall become increasingly clear. Great understanding will be delegated to the Church concerning these mysteries.

The book of Revelations is a love letter to the Lord’s bride and prepares her to be joined to Him. He is calling to those with ears to hear what He is saying concerning these times and seasons. This will not be a time to do anything presumptuously; but those who are led by the Spirit can rest in His protection and grace.

The Lord has already triumphed over the adversary and made a public spectacle of him. Now is the time for us to comprehend more fully that reality and appropriate it. The Lord is delegating His victory to us when we are joined to Him.

One of our greatest callings in this hour is to no longer be considered the Lord’s servants, but His friends. We have a Friend who is eternally positioned on His throne of victory and authority and we need a more complete vision of this to fully activate our faith. Commissioning from the throne room can be a living reality as promised through God’s word. He is saying “come up here!”

He is calling His Church to discern the times and know the seasons and to know the mind of Christ for this day. It isn’t His desire to hide it from us but reveal great understanding so that the heathen may see God’s blessing and wisdom upon His people. That is what the grooming of the last decade has been intended to accomplish. The pain of our past is the preparation for our future.

Our brokenness without the spirit of understanding bring hopelessness; but brokenness with understanding brings hopefulness. The Lord’s Spirit has been breaking us and uprooting our fallen nature and carnal plans in order to inject His own nature and strategy. His ultimate purpose is to reveal the Fatherhood of God and make us His mature sons and daughters.

Though it seems we have failed in many ways, these years have actually cultivated humility. The arm of the flesh and our own strength cannot accomplish the end-time mandate. It will not be by the might of man nor the power of our own ingenuity but by His Spirit alone. Our job is to yield and learn to co-operate with Him.

Like Jacob, the Lord has destroyed our dependence upon human strength and changed our nature. A new name is being given according to Revelations 2:17 to those who overcome in this fashion.

In every thunder and lightning storm, every earthquake, every volcano and hurricane, the Lord will have His way. These are signposts to illuminate the day in which we live and the seriousness of the hour and our great need for the Lord Jesus.