Questions & Answers Part 1
Very often we receive questions from various people who follow our ministry. I thought it might be fruitful to utilize this month’s newsletter to respond to some of the general questions applicable to the corporate church. These were primarily taken from a television interview done earlier this year. I hope it is helpful!
Question: What do you think about the present conflict in Israel?
Answer: One of the most important aspects of answering that question is to be careful not to prophesy according to Fox News or CNN. The prophetic voice of the church must hear directly from the Lord to outline His thoughts on this situation rather than the thoughts of man.
With that said, I must say that the only thing the Lord has spoken to me concerning the conflict came on the second day of military action. I asked the Lord what was taking place and the answer came back a little surprising. He said “realignment.”
Although we are genuinely saddened by the loss of life within both the Arab and Jewish community and the hardship placed upon the citizenry, the end result will be beneficial to Israel.
Unfortunately, political decisions have been made concerning the land of Israel that are not consistent with the plan and desire of Heaven. As a result, these kinds of conflicts become necessary to realign earthly perspectives with that of Heaven. I believe it was a monumental mistake to relinquish Gaza or any other of the land previously restored to Israel.
Hopefully, our political leadership will continue to support Israel and the prophetic destiny of the land. In so doing, it will help position us for God’s grace and favor essential to effectively move forward into the 21st century.
Question: What are some of the things the Lord is speaking to you concerning the 21st century church?
Answer: Presently, God’s people who have embraced the grooming and preparatory season are about to transition into something fresh and new. I believe the last ten years in particular have been intense preparation. Many people have been through various forms of refining. It has been a difficult season but necessary; it has been allowed for a higher purpose.
One of the things I see the Lord doing right now is helping people understand what they have been through. We are presently about to transition into a new day and the grooming has been essential. The Lord spoke very clearly to us while in Wales that “Moses my servant is dead.” We are about to transition into the Joshua anointing.
This perspective is speaking of a parenthetical season of time that we as the modern Church have been in for the last 120 years. That season has now ended and the Church has come back around to Kadesh Barnea. This is the place in Israel’s history where they missed the opportunity to enter into the Lord’s promise and ended up wandering for the next 38 years. We are now being re-offered the opportunity to cross over into the promise of God missed by the previous generation.
I believe this is an incredible season to take ground spiritually. I believe it is an opportunity to apprehend promises. Change is going to be apparent in this year and those to come. I think it is going to be a fruitful season for those who have allowed God’s hand to prepare and equip them.
Question: You travel extensively. What are some of the things you are seeing God do in the various places that you travel?
Answer: Primarily, we are seeing people gain understanding of God’s dealings in their life and Church. By understanding the process we are much more fruitfully capable of the emerging quickly and effectively. In the last year we have seen people apprehend the Spirit of Understanding more abundantly that any time before.
It is as though people have been going through some spiritual process but now the Lord is giving comprehension of the importance of the process and the end result of it. This revelation allows people to fully engage in His dealings and relinquish them to the Lord who then releases them into their destiny.
Throughout the Church there has been a remnant of people being prepared for something significant. It will be a “first-fruits harvest.” Particularly, during the last year we saw various places where the spiritual climate was being transformed by the injection of God’s presence.
When we are able to touch God’s heart with our desperation for Him, it releases an authority and anointing that literally changes a region. For instance, we were just in a particular city and held a conference that the Lord blessed. Many leaders who were not even a part of the conference called the host pastor and acknowledged that the conference changed the atmosphere over the region. They were seeing a fruitfulness that was not present before the conference.
This is an example of how the Lord can change the spiritual climate of a region and impact the entirety of the Church. It is a principal of the Kingdom. Throughout the Church, the Lord is changing the spiritual atmosphere over churches and regions and establishing boundaries and borders that present the revelation of His kingdom.
Question: Of all the stories in the Bible, who is your favorite character?
Answer: Well, it is hard to say anyone is my favorite without first acknowledging and including the Lord Jesus. However, outside of His own death, burial and resurrection, I would have to say the Lord has spoken to me more profoundly from the book and life of Daniel.
Daniel’s experience in chapter 10 of the angel Gabriel coming to him and speaking to him from the books of Truth is profound. I believe it is one of my favorite because I have spent so much time of late understanding the spiritual ramifications of that passage. What Daniel saw then is directly applicable to our day and the present condition of God’s covenant people.
Daniel saw something for the end-of-time generation. He offered the incredible prayer of repentance in Daniel 9 which opened the door to experience the visitation of Daniel 10. There is evidence that the Lord Himself appeared to Daniel along with Gabriel in this incredible divinely granted appearance. Daniels revelation of God’s Kingdom is directly pertinent to our day. Even the life of Daniel is a prototype and spiritually typical of today’s leadership.
Daniel saw incredible revelations that were not relevant to his day, but were sealed in a book that is now accessible. The seven sealed book has been opened by the Lord Jesus Christ who now comes placing His feet on the land and sea as pillars of fire. (Revelations 10) He is now offering that book to a bridal company who will take it and spiritually devour it. They must then prophesy that revelation to the nations of the earth.
Question: Of the revelations the Lord has given to you, which is your favorite?
Answer: Every supernatural encounter is precious. It is hard to distinguish one as being more superior to another. Nevertheless, the ones that include the Lord Jesus would have to be the most memorable.
Probably the one that most profoundly changed me was the time that I was taken into the Lord’s courtroom. I had been ardently pursuing “ministry” and ministry gifts for years. I had studied the lives of Smith Wigglesworth, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Kathyrn Kuhlman, William Branham and others and developed an insatiable desire to see God’s power and truth manifested in our ministry. That hunger still exits but now from a different perspective.
It was my desire for the Lord to use me as He had them. Therefore, at the time of the visitation I had been in passionate pursuit of ministry. Before that encounter I had literally listed the many spiritual endowments I felt necessary to achieve our mandate. They were all biblical and sound principles but my primary focus had been the pursuit of those attributes. However, in my experience, as I was escorted into the Lord’s courtroom my priorities were about to shift.
As the angels were escorting me into the room I could see the Lord Jesus standing at the opposite end. I intuitively knew that in this place you could ask for any request and the power was present to grant it. In that realm of the Spirit the possibilities are endless.
As I made my way toward the Lord I literally fell at the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ. Although I was mindful of my “ministry request list” it suddenly didn’t seem to have the importance that it did before. Certainly those things are necessary to fulfill our mandate. Nevertheless, my sole desire at the time was to remain in that place with Him forever. The only request my lips could utter was for the Lord to remove the evil of my heart that I became aware of in His presence.
This experience changed my pursuit from that of ministry to the Person of the Lord Jesus. Without question, we have an incredible mandate being placed upon our generation to bring in the harvest, heal the sick and deliver the oppressed. However, we can more fruitfully accomplish that directive by pursuing the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and becoming the reflection of His image. Then we can be entrusted with even greater mantels of revelation and power essential for the harvest. Our greatest mandate is to pursue Him.