The Coming Anointing for Leadership

The Prophet Samuel is a perfect “type” of the apostolic leadership that will be emerging in this generation. The Lord spoke this truth exceedingly clearly in a prophetic experience several years ago.

We are now poised to see this as a reality in this fresh new day of God’s plan. (See — The Apostolic is Coming)

Samuel functioned in Israel as a priest, a prophet, and a judge. He was a man of noble character who also carried the clear manifestation of God’s Spirit. His ministry was marked by prophetic accuracy and intimate fellowship with the Lord. The Palmist spoke of Samuel and this anointing saying,

Moses and Aaron were among His priests, and Samuel was among those who called on His name; they called upon the LORD and He answered them. He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud; they kept His testimonies and the statute that He gave them — Psalms 99:6 7

By understanding his role in Israel’s leadership, we can also gleam considerable insight into present day apostolic leadership that is being prepared. Of course, this is a process that will take many years for full maturity to be realized. However, we can expect to see the early stages of this leadership during the course of these days. The Lord’s people are being groomed to encounter Him in the cloud of His Presence and hear insight and strategy for this pivotal season.

Inspired Priests

The term inspired priests is a reference to teachers who receive their understanding of the Word through divine revelation. The Apostle Paul stated that his revelation of the Word came, not by the teaching of man nor by reading a book, but by a divine revelation of Jesus Christ.

The inspired teachers will promote a message of sanctification within the church. This will present consecrated believers as a suitable dwelling place for God’s Spirit and becoming partakers of His divine nature and His Holy character. (See Ezekiel 44:15-16 & 23-24)

It will now become essential for the end-time leadership to be partakers of His divine nature. With this reality we then bear the fruit of the Spirit as a prerequisite for the release and impartation of the power gifts and God’s highest callings necessary for end-time ministry.

Another predominant function of the inspired teachers will be to Biblically communicate the Lord’s requirements for the end-time church. Through their revelation of the Word by the Spirit of Truth, they will teach the church the necessary steps of preparation and consecration in order to be viable participants in the glorious ministry yet to come.

The Prophets

Another essential ingredient in this end-time ministry will be the role of the prophets. The primary purpose of the prophets will be to reveal the 12 primary redemptive natures of God. These attributes were expressed through Jehovah of the Old Testament and Jesus of the New Testament. All of the redemptive natures of Jehovah were found in the person of Jesus Christ who is our ultimate example.

Even as Revelations 22:2 expresses the 12 manner of fruit bearing in their proper seasons, so shall the Holy Spirit reveal to the church the 12 primary redemptive natures of Christ and their proper Biblical applications.

King/Judge Anointing

It is important to discern that during the first century church all apostles were also prophets. This is a Biblical truth that can be proven throughout all the generations of the church. Therefore, the individuals functioning with the “king/judge” anointing will also bear the spirit of wisdom and revelation, bringing understanding concerning the seven Spirits of God and their importance to the overcoming church now being prepared.

God’s manifold wisdom will be expressed through these anointed vessels as they lay the foundation for the end-time church. Ephesians 2:20 declares,

having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone.

Of course, there is no other foundation laid other than Christ Jesus. Therefore, the apostles and prophets will be an expression of the Holy Spirit’s work through individuals who embody the merger of the Word and Spirit that produces the life of Christ; that is the foundation for His Temple to be reestablished in the earth.

As the church matures and moves toward perfection, we will then begin to see the priesthood in the order of Melchizedek emerging. He was the king of Salem and priest of the Most High God. Of course we know from scripture that was none other than God revealing Himself to Abraham veiled in human flesh.

Evidence of the Coming Spiritual Government

The surest evidence of God’s true leadership will be the clear presence of the fruit of the Spirit. God’s righteousness will begin to reflect the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. The evidence of His character in us is ultimately pleasing to the Lord.

Even more important than revealing the Spirit’s power gifts is the revelation of the fruit of the Spirit through a consecrated life of righteousness. This is only achieved by the Holy Spirit abiding in us; believers becoming partakers of the divine nature that reveals the Spirit of Holiness.

These men and women will be known by their fruit and their purpose will be to manifest God’s redemptive attributes in the earth. Their anointing will come from Isaiah 11:2, the sevenfold Spirit of God.

Their Identification—The manifestation of the Fruit of the Spirit — Galatians 5:22-24

1. Love 4. Patience 7. Faithfulness
2. Joy 5. Kindness 8. Gentleness
3. Peace 6. Goodness 9. Self-Control

Their Anointing— The Seven Spirits of God— Isaiah 11:2

1. Spirit of the Lord
2. Spirit of Wisdom
3. Spirit of Understanding
4. Spirit of Counsel
5. Spirit of Might
6. Spirit of Knowledge
7. Spirit of Reverential Fear of the Lord

Their Purpose – To reveal the twelve names illustrating the divine character of God and His primary redemptive attributes manifested in the Person of Jesus.

1. Lord Our Shepherd
2. Lord Our Provider
3. Lord Our Righteousness
4. Lord Our Peace
5. Lord Our Healer
6. Lord Our Banner
7. Lord Who Sanctifies
8. Lord Of Hosts
9. Lord Most High
10. Lord Who Smites
11. Lord of Recompense
12. Lord is Present

The Primary Redemptive Names of God

Jehovah Rohi – The Lord My Shepherd
– Psalm 23:1

Although Israel learned to magnify the Lord for life, healing, victory, holiness, peace, and protection, they were still pilgrims and were in dire need of divine provision in their wilderness journey with all its weariness, physical needs, duties, dangers and difficulties. Thus there came the revelation of God as their Jehovah Rohi, the One whose Shepherd love, care and resources they could depend upon in all the un-trodden and unknown pathways of the future.

Thus the Lord is the feeder to provide, keeper to protect, companion to cheer, friend to help, pastor to comfort, herdsman near to us, as His frequent revelations as such proves.

Psalm 23 contains eight redemptive names of Jehovah;

1. Jehovah Rohi (Psalm 23:1) – Jehovah is my shepherd.
2. Jehovah Jireh (Psalm 23:1) – I shall not want.
3. Jehovah Shalom – The Lord is my peace. (Psalm 23:2) He makes me to lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.
4. Jehovah Rophi – The Lord my healer. (Psalm 23:3) He restores my soul.
5. Jehovah Tsidkenu – The Lord is righteousness (Psalm 23:3)
He leadeth me in paths of righteousness for His name sake.
6. Jehovah Nissi – The Lord is my banner (Psalm 23:5) Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
7. Jehovah M’Kaddesh – The Lord my sanctifier. (Psalm 23:5)
Thou anointest my head with oil.
8. Jehovah Shammah – The Lord is there (Psalm 23:4) Thou art with me.

Jehovah Jireh – The Lord Will Provide
– GENESIS 22:14

The definition of this term is “The Lord will see” or “The Lord will provide”. For man this conjunctive meaning seems impossible. However, for the all knowing God of creation the dual meaning is easily exemplified.

His pre-vision means His pro-vision. That was Abraham’s revelation given to the place where He found the ram provided as a substitute for Isaac. This miracle was not of a normal significance; but rather it was a creative miracle by God for the sacrifice in the same sense that the Lord created a body through the miraculous conception for the substitute sacrifice for man.

As Elohim, God demanded the sacrifice of Isaac, but as Jehovah He made complete provision of a substitute for the son Abraham willingly offered. The place of this miracle is the first recorded instance in scripture of the naming of a place after a divine interposition or manifestation.

Jehovah Tsidkenu – The Lord Our Righteousness
– JEREMIAH 33:16

In the Old Testament there is evident revelation of Israel as being a nation seeking after righteousness, yet in its passionate desire for righteousness, the people discovered their own unrighteousness. Therefore, we become people who seek after purity of heart so that we can enjoy communion with God. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

The Greeks sought after wisdom and the Romans pursued power and world dominion; but there are today a remnant of God’s chosen people who seek after God and His righteousness.

To the glory of the gospel is that Jehovah Tsidkenu became flesh and was made unto us righteousness (I Cor. 1:30). A righteous God pronounced death as the penalty of sin, yet that same God became flesh, the righteous branch, to taste death for every sinner and provide the righteousness that is transferred or imputed to the believer and is thereby accepted before God. Acceptable righteousness therefore is not attained but obtained.

Jehovah Shalom – The Lord Our Peace
– JUDGES 6:42

The word “Peace” and its cognates appear over 400 times in scripture. It is one of the most precious and fundamentally essential ingredients for a believer to be at peace with God and know the peace of God. It relates to a harmonious relationship obtained through reconciliation of a debt paid in full.

Peace or “Shalom” is often translated – welfare, good health, prosperity, favor, rest whole, finished, restitution or repay and perfect.

Jehovah Rophi – The Lord Our Physician
– EXODUS 15:26

From Israel we learn that in times of sickness God heals, for He is our Jehovah Rophi, “I am Jehovah thy healer”.

To express God’s grace in restoring spirit life, He declared that He healed all of our diseases, spiritual as well as physical. (Psalms 103:3)

He also is the one who heals the broken in heart (Psalms 147:3) and for those who are backsliding, He is also their healer as well (Jeremiah 3:22). The scriptures also clearly indicate the removal of bodily infirmity (Genesis 20:17; Matthew 4:23).

Jehovah Nissi – The Lord Our Banner
– EXODUS 17:15-16

Moses took care that God should have the glory for the victory over Amalek. Instead of setting up a trophy in the honor of Joshua, though it had been a standard policy to put marks of honor upon men, instead he built an altar to God’s honor. What is most carefully recorded is the inscription upon the altar, Jehovah-Nissi – The Lord my Banner. The presence and power of Jehovah were the banner under which they were enlisted and by which they were kept together.

Jehovah Nissi in literal Hebrew means “A hand upon the throne of Jehovah”. Jehovah will have war with Amalek from generation to generation. Amalek’s hand had dared to assault Jehovah’s throne to overturn it and so He gave Israel the authority and power of that throne to overwhelm Amalek. The uplifted hands of Moses symbolized this banner. Here we have an illustration of the hand of faith outstretched in prayer.

Jehovah M’Kaddesh – The Lord Who Sanctifies
– EXODUS 31:13

The term holiness is from the Hebrew word “Kodesh” and is allied to “sanctify” and is translated as dedicate, consecrate, hallow and holy in various translations. “I am Jehovah M’Kaddesh – The Lord who sanctifies you”. This term’s main influence relates to moral and spiritual purity.

In the New Testament many scriptures relate to the process of sanctification, the sum of which are provided to the church through the atoning work of Christ.


Jehovah Tsebahoth – The Lord of Host
– I SAMUEL 1:3

This term in Hebrew is taken from sabaoth, meaning host or hosts with special reference to warfare or service and often appears as the Lord of Hosts. This Hebrew term has also rendered armies and also appointed for service. This reference for Jehovah appears fourteen times in the book of Haggai and twenty-four times in the book of Malachi.

In Zechariah, the Lord of Hosts, occurs fifty-three times and is of great interest seeing it is connected with God’s action in judgement and blessing upon Israel. The expression “Thus saith the Lord of Hosts” implied divine revelation and divine authority; a phrase like “Holiness unto the Lord of Hosts”, Zechariah 14:21.

When the conquest of Canaan was about to begin the Lord was revealed as the unknown warrior with naked sword standing before Joshua. When Joshua asked the question, “are you for us or against us”; the reply came, “I am Prince of the Host of Jehovah”, therefore Joshua humbly surrendered his sword to Jehovah Tsebahoth.

The whole of His creation is under His control and obeys His sovereign command, willingly or otherwise. HE is:

1. Lord of all angelic hosts (I Kings 22:19)
2. The Lord of all steller (Genesis 1:16)
3. The Lord of all the feathered hosts (I Kings 17:2-7)
4. The Lord of all the animal hosts (Is. 11:6)
5. The Lord of all the human hosts (Is. 40:15)
6. The Lord of the satanic hosts (Matthew 28:18)

Jehovah Heleyon – The Lord Most High

Jehovah Heleyon is frequently used in the Psalms as a declaration of God’s highest position or kingship. This title reveals God as the high and lofty one that inhabits eternity (Is. 57:15); Prophetically speaking of Jehovah’s reign over the earth at the time of Israel’s restoration or the restoration of God’s chosen people.

It is also reassuring for us to know that during these difficult days that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men also (Daniel 4:25). This redemptive name places God at the highest place of every realm of life so that He can fulfill His will in and through us. When applied to God, this redemptive name reveals that though He is the highest, there are others below Him endowed by Him with like natures and therefore in some way related to Him by His Spirit.

Jehovah-Makkeh – The Lord Who Smites

The Lord has given Israel to us as an example of His dealings with man. He set Israel in the midst of heathen nations as His witness but instead of revealing and glorifying Him she changed His judgments into wickedness greater than all the nations she was suppose to influence for Him. Therefore He said, “You shall know that I am Jehovah-Makkeh”, the Lord who smites thee. (Ezekiel 7:9)

Daniel the 9th chapter reveals that Israel found themselves in captivity because they refused to heed the voice of the Lord their God which was set before them by His servants, the prophets. Consequently, as a result of their disobedience the Lord smote Israel and disciplined her because of her unbelief and rejection of His true revealed word. The church has also experienced a similar disciplinary period over the past forty years because of her rejection of the true revealed word as brought to the church by His servant the, the prophets.

The good news is His promise to restore. According to Hosea 6:1 2, Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us but He will heal us; He has wounded us but He will bandage us. He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day, that we may live before Him.

Jehovah Gmolah – The God of Recompense

The scriptures declare that retribution or recompense does not belong to us but rather it belongs to God. In Jeremiah 51, the Lord declares that He will severely punish Babylon because of their harsh dealing with Israel thereby revealing Himself as the God of retribution.

The same was true of Egypt when they placed the nation of Israel under a heavy burden and struck the apple of His eye. When a person is shamefully treated or misjudged, even wrongfully condemned or blamed when innocent, it becomes very difficult not to take up our own defense and leave our reputation to God. Yet this is the precise way that He has instructed for us to respond. Retribution and recompense belong only to him. Vengeance is His and He promised to repay. (Deut. 32:35; II Thes. 1:8)

Jehovah Shammah – The Lord Is There
– EZEKIEL 48:35

The name of the city revealed through Ezekiel is Jehovah Shammah— the Lord is There. This location is so named because of the manifest presence and power of Jehovah residing therein. We also know from scripture that God does not dwell in temples made by hands, but rather we are to be God’s temple.

This is the last of Jehovah’s redemptive titles in the order of their Old Testament occurrence. It discloses the consummation of His progressive self revelation.

The people of Israel were brought out of the bondage of Egypt by His manifest presence (Deut. 4:37). However, the people willfully and continually sinned and the conscious manifest Presence of God was rescinded. Yet when the people repented of their gross idolatry, because of His love and pity, the angel of His presence redeemed them once again (Isaiah 63:9).

The apostle Paul describes the church as a habitation of God, a house of God, and the building growing unto a holy temple in the Lord. The question remains, Does the Glory of Jehovah fill Jehovah’s house and are we members of that house displaying His Glory?