One of the warnings given to Bob through a recent revelation has to do with the biblical balance of looking to our glorious future while also trusting God for the restoration of things lost in our past. Both are part of God’s blueprint and promise; but like all spiritual principles, they must be kept in […]

The Lord first began to speak to me approximately two years ago concerning the true experience of being filled with His Spirit. We circulated portions of this revelation in the January 2004 newsletter. During this present season the Lord is once again emphasizing this spiritual reality and its vital importance to transition into what is […]

The Bible tells us that the Lord “bears witness” to His word through various signs and spiritual wonders. This is done to mobilize our faith and position us for fruitfulness. Many prophetic indications or signs presently affirm that we are entering a restoration season involving ministry gifts and commissions introduced in the Latter Rain healing […]

Periodically, we find it extremely helpful to release what we have identified as prophetic sound-bites highlighting areas of emphasis in the present season. This is especially fruitful to help arm intercessors and various prayer movements with strategic insight. It is not our attempt in this forum to elaborate extensively on the things spoken by the […]

The king of Israel sent to the place about which the man of God had told him; thus he warned him, so that he guarded himself there, more than once or twice.  Now the heart of the king of Aram was enraged over this thing; and he called his servants and said to them, “Will […]

Bob Jones called this week and felt a special emphasis from the Lord on certain aspects of the 2006 Shepherd’s Rod that he felt we needed to reiterate. It was with much enthusiasm that Bob shared how many of these directives have already generated fruit both spiritually and naturally. The Lord is doing a quick […]

The angel stated that his name is “Breakthrough” and he has been assigned to the United States. That is what was articulated to Bob Jones in one of the most significant visitations he has ever received. Over the past 12 years I have watched the revelatory realm open to Bob in profound ways. It was […]

This portion of our newsletter is the continuation of a prophetic word initiated last month. It is taken from an experience Bob had a few years ago pointing to this specific moment in our prophetic destiny. It highlights the past decade and the difficulties we have experienced but also reiterates God’s purpose for allowing them. […]

This portion of our newsletter is intended more as a prophetic word than as a teaching article. It is taken from an experience Bob had a few years ago pointing to this specific moment in our prophetic destiny. It highlights the past decade and the difficulties we have experienced but also reiterates God’s purpose for […]

I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly. – Galatians 2:21 In a revelatory experience, Bob was shown how our enemy has deceived many Christians in such a way that they are essentially functioning as if they were members of a chain-gang. He saw […]